The Yemeni society for the care and rehabilitation of the blind, in coordination with the school feeding project and with the support of the World Food Program, distributed the food basket for the month of January 2019 to its blind members at its headquarters in the capital Sana’a.

The assembly on Monday 4-2-2019 began distribution and continues until tomorrow 6-2-2019 and this comes within a new mechanism taken by the Assembly and the project in distributing food baskets was more arranged and smoother than before, and the blind expressed their thanks for receiving food baskets quickly and without any obstacles And bother.

Hundreds of blind members of the association have benefited from the project and hundreds of other blind persons are waiting for the food aid that the association wishes the good actors and donors to cover, and the members of the association estimate more than one thousand and two hundred blind.





The first food basket for the Blind for the year 2019
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